A downloadable game

Controls :

- Move: Left Analog Stick

- Aiming: Right Analog Stick

- Shoot: RT or L2


 Wave one reveals the real prime so pay attention to the hat color and style.
 After wave 2 there will be imposters that look like prime so pay attention and communicate with your team if you hit an imposter.  Don't worry if you die, as long as your team makes it to the next wave you'll respawn.


Okay folks! You may be wondering why you've been contacted and gathered here by strange government agents. I can tell you: the earth needs saving, and you... were the closest people who actually answered our phone calls.

The earth is facing an imminent alien invasion, and we need to stop their scouts before they hide away on earth and learn all of our secrets. We've detected that some scouts have landed in your town, and we need you to take them out for us.

Don't worry, though- you can do this. Our Intelligence department has discovered that the strange alien anatomy of the invaders leaves them with a deadly allergy to store brand sausages! ...don't laugh, this is serious business! One touch of the tasty breakfast meal will be enough to damage the alien invader and help save our planet! But beware- the invaders have caught onto our plans. Their biology also allows them to create dummy clones of themselves. These clones can't do much on their own, but they detect sausage meat and will harm you if you get fooled into hitting the wrong one! Read your intel carefully so you hunt the right target. They're also crafty engineers, so I'd expect to find traps on site to try and take you out before you take them out.

Now um. Admittedly, our funding is a bit low at the moment (someone went over budget on the company picnic) so they were only able to afford one sausage for each of you. But, as a bonus, we also have some flashlights, so at least you won't be in the dark. You've got this, heroes.


Where Is Prime? is a top down local co-op seeking game where you and up to 3 other players team up to hunt an alien invader late in the night- but beware, this alien creates decoys to confuse enemies!  Navigate the map and search the darkness for your target before firing your super hi tech sausage gun to defeat your foes. And then navigate the map to find your fired sausage to reload your weapon!

Spot the right alien and coordinate with your team to corner the creature to ensure safety for the planet!



Chris Brown: Programming

Izhane LeMaster: Game/Level Design

Sepehr Yari: 3D Modeling, character designer 

Leon K: 3D Modeling

Ian Moser: Sound Effects, Miscellaneous

Carlos Chowell (The Matching Set): Music

Nick Turner: AI, Miscellaneous



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